Partner Highlight: California's Local Commitments to Decarbonization

Over the last few years, more than 50 California cities and counties have formally committed to decarbonizing new construction. Despite the state’s stringent building code, these commitments are a big deal—local leadership on electrification reflects a motivation and interest in green building that will push state standards even further along. These commitments also mean that more and more residents are starting to enjoy the benefits of electrification, from lower utility bills to better indoor air quality.

We initially put together a map to track these jurisdictions and their commitments based on a list from Sierra Club, but they have since collaborated with SPUR to produce a map of their own. While there is still work to be done all over California—especially outside of the Bay Area—the interactive and informative visual they’ve created shows how far the state has already come in prioritizing sustainable, healthy, and resilient buildings.